Exhibition June 13 to 17 "Grasping + Hanging"

Exhibition June 13 to 17 "Grasping + Hanging"
PREVIEW Friday, June 2nd., 6.30 p.m.
(Opening day of the passages to the IMM)

Martin Bohn +Partner
Gallery formformsuche
Filzengraben 22, 50676 Cologne

Exhibition in collaboration with Iserlohner Haken and FSB

Grasping and hanging: At this point we would like to expand this title to include the terms arriving, opening, depositing and hanging.

Let's start with the latter: The Iserloher Haken range offers a wide selection, from architectural designs to historical models of the company's history. One example is the "Mr. Steed" coat hook by Hadi Teherani, as his Cologne crane houses can be seen from the exhibition in just a few minutes.

But let's get back to arriving, which requires classic access via the handle. How detailed this handling can be understood is shown in the
FSB publications.

In this multi-volume series, the most diverse aspects of grasping and gripping are presented; the volume "Le Corbusier's Hands" also contains such a simple-sounding question as "Can hands remember?".

Let us now move on to the task of filing this series of books and hand this task over to the "Library" and the "Chambre A Air". These
works by the Pentagon group are among the most important works of German avant-garde design of the 1980s. Prof. Harald Hullmann - Kunstflug is also a prominent companion of this design era.

And now we look forward to your arrival
Iserloher Haken    FSB    Martin Bohn